Sunday, May 6, 2007

Lions and tigers and cheetahs, oh my!

4/28/07 - Gauteng, ZA

What a day. The drive through the Rhino and Lion Park proved to give us Americans that special thrill of seeing wild African animals up close and from inside the fence. We even got to drive right up next to a male lion, about two feet from our vehicle.
"Lions and tigers and cheetahs, oh my!" That's all that ran through my head as we entered the the cat creche. I couldn't wait to snuggle with those snuggly wugglies!! Yummy! They love to snuggle back, and bite - a lot. But no one got hurt, thankfully, even when a cheetah paw came across the side of my face hard enough to knock my sunglasses of my head.

At night we went to Carnivore's Restaraunt where I felt like a big cat, eating ELEVEN different land animals! Let me name them: Chicken, beef, lamb and pork, of course; venison, wildebeast, blessbock, kudu, impala, ostrich and crocodile! I kinda scared myself, actually, thinking all these different types of meat might form some mutant mix of dna in my stomach and become Mad Game Disease. Anyway, I'm still alive, and now I feel pretty powerful next to those cats.

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